Saturday, July 18, 2015

Two bags

Of water they squeezed into my hole and mildly murky liquid came out the bag end or the other tube (looks like a stub of a straw). The mildly murky liquid of the bog. Sorry. Anyway it means they won’t be coming back for the rest of the morning. That’s good. More time to sleep—I mean write. You know it’s a painless procedure, but also kind of intimidating to see big metal pincers so close to your dainty little hole. In the side of your body. He uses them to manipulate the tubes, and it is that turning, like moving them both inside the cap of the colostomy bag they are using (principles the same, catch the dirty stuff that comes out) or taking them out, that provides the only real discomfort. I now no longer feel it when the tube slides into my hole, I think it is used to it by now.
How much of the liquid is what they pump in, and how much the vile material inside? How much do I still have inside? What will they do when there is nothing left? Will that mean, yea, healed, go come, your cavity has also shrunk down to nothing, your nothing is down to nothing as the sonogram has shown. You can go home!
Yea, it’s only October. 
Be back tomorrow for the start of chemo.



  1. So you still have fluid building up and being drained? I think it's called ascites. At least they are keeping you there I suppose. Beats having to keep going back in to hospital. Still, hospital is not home :( How many people are in your room? All men?

    1. man this replying shit is hard in this stupid blog. It's a four man room, called a four person room, but yeah all men. And our wives when they come.

  2. I keep forgetting to tell you that I still see the unabomber guy around town. He still wears a ball cap and a grey hoodie. He was a McDonald's regular, I recall.

  3. I think that was what happened before. That sounds like the name Y sensei called it, but I could never get the spelling down right, If you want I can post what some of kind of horrifying results of acites. This is something different, where there's an actual cavity filled with water and other material they suggested might be pus. Now there is a lot more water coming out when they pour water into my hole to clean it.

    1. My sister had that ascites. I remember she had to go in several times to get drained. Like once a week. It was awful. I learned a lot on a cancer forum I joined when she was sick. It's for patients and family, friends, who ever. I'll search for it again and paste the link here if you are interested.

  4. You still see him? Amazing. I haven't seen him in 12 years. I wonder how he looks? Does he look like he's gone to seed or basically the same. When I was back in November I saw what looked like a homeless guy I knew 12 years ago and had known for 6 years. Really hope it wasn't him, the guy looked ragged and was begging for for change by the freeway entrance. The man I knew would never do that.

    1. Unabomber still looks the same, I think. I haven't seen him close up. I see him lugging huge bags of recycling around town. He must be making out fairly ok if he's still alive after 12 years!

  5. This is the link:
