Friday, July 24, 2015


Not now in particular, although that I’m starting to wake… If I go 48 hours without putting put food in my mouth oh Gob I really want to put food in my mouth. Getting nutrition from my drip drop bag so I’m safer than I’ve been at home, so there's that. But man, they are really being cautious with this gall bladder thing. Get the feeling they won’t let me eat till they decide what to do next. Come on guys, it’s absolute cruelty to subject a body to not eating, to this hunger. If you keep me from my food for 72 hours...
Okay, hunger and sleepiness I’ll blame this whine for because when you think it over… I mean what percentage of the world would be rightfully pissed at my little whining. Oh so you want to take a little tour of our world with bags of nutrition running through your veins and an entire hospital stuff to look after you? 
Me: but I have KFC waiting for me. Including two thighs.
The hungry world: well then by all means. We bow to your suffering. 
Me: I thought so.
It’s no fun though and I’m sure tomorrow I will not be above begging anyone in earshot:
Me: When can I get some fooooood!
Hospital staff: you never eat and now you want food?

Me, toddling off crying: why does everyone hate me?


  1. And if so... what? Inquiring stomachs want to know! I have an In-law of sorts, who has to be on a thickened foods diet, everything must be pureed and thin liquids have some magically evil thickening dust added, so that everything has at least the consistency of honey. Nothing like a refreshing glass of thick globby water to quench your thirst! So, will you be on some strange diet, hopefully not close to my In-Laws?

  2. Yes, I have been able to eat. Today as well as I have in a while and I'm still hungry and looking forward to dinner. Just a little yogurt drink, surely that can't hurt me, what can possibly go wrong. Anyway, I ate the normal hospital food, they have a good two meal streak going and some of my greasy good ol high calorie (calories I need) KFC. Tonight if the hospital dinner's no good it's all KFC. Either way I will eat. My teeth will gnash meat and I will enjoy it.

  3. Fantastic! After all, who doesn't enjoy a good meat gnashing?!?

  4. Glad to hear you're eating. When I ask your mom about you, she seems to know less than I do about what's going on with you ;-)
    Funny, but I haven't had KFC since the 1970s. We used to go to the Kentucky Fried Chicken over on York in HLP. I always insisted on chicken breasts. I remember the biscuits, dribbling packs of honey on them. Corn I think, came with the meal. Damn, now I want some!

  5. If you've read the Yuaaz Nurse is a genius post then you have a clue to dinner last night. I realized my wife wouldn't be coming for two days so I asked her to bring some sweet and sour pork her mother made. She then was able to microwave it up and I was able to save the cold stuff, KFC and some new things she brought for tomorrow. I can't do the microwaving myself so this wa the most convenient way.
    So I gnashed meat but it was sweet and sour pork and it was good and it got me debating the results on the Gurgle Community post up top (for now up top).
    Anyway, this comment is about as long as a post. To sum up, still eating, have to be careful though, hope to have KFC tonight. This has been Luke Stilwell reporting...
