Wednesday, July 29, 2015


I am sure that is not the right spelling, if you hiragana it, it would read たいいん。That doesn’t look right. Anyway, my wife will correct me later (man what a lazy attitude I’ve cultivated), right now what’s important is the bloody meaning of the damn thing. Riiight, that. It means you’re being released from the hospital. It’s a word getting thrown around like crazy in this room right now. An hour ago the doctor went from tent to tent, and in each one discussed with the patient their taiin day. Sunday, tomorrow, the last guy the doc was talking to hadn't even had his surgery yet. Guess which tent they skipped?
Yes, it’s driving me crazy. They talk about me going home, they are preparing me for it. No IV, not even the needle in my power port, which means no nutrition bag and no anti-biotics. Y sensei had said that would be one of the keys to my going home, being able to take anti-biotics in pill form and not have it IV’d into me. My sonograms have been fine, no Cthulu shadows sneaking around in my gut, and a nurse told me they were thinking of stitching up the hole. But no word on when I’m leaving beyond the last, which was next week, then Y sensei said this week was “possible.” Of course they couldn’t tell then and maybe they can’t tell yet, but Gob it’s driving me crazy. Did I mention that before? 
The thing is I’m not waiting for a definite answer I’m waiting for a definite positive. I guess that’s natural. But I don’t want the suspense over till it can be resolved into a happy ending. So keep that suspense tension rolling… I am so afraid of the moment Y sensei will pull that curtain. He might have an answer, he might just be prolonging it, but then that means another day or two or who knows how long. 

My gut is made of glass, that seems to be the problem. It seems anything can break and at anytime. First it was the acidtitis, or some spelling like that, which brought on hiccups like crazy and my colostomy bags filling with my stomach’s acid. They had to drain that. Then my abdominal cavity filling with pus, likewise for my gall bladder. They had to drain those as well, all different procedures. Between my rectum and liver, they seem to be working some kind of cancerous magic on all the organs in between. Come on guys, give me a respite, let up, let me out. Please don’t give me anymore problems. Please let the problems you’ve spread throughout heal up so I can get out of here safely and soon. 
How about it guys?


  1. YES! Even guts need to take a break once in a while...they just need to chillax for a bit, right? Gurgle their murmurs of healing and content, kick back, maybe enjoy a sandwich and watch some reruns of Ally McBeal or something (there is no accounting for taste, after all they are guts, and if somebodys got to like Ally McBeal.. I figure it's likely to be a rectum or attached gut-buddy). Tell those guys to stay cool bro... stay cool...

  2. that's what I'm a going to do. Kind of shocked they watch Ally McBeal, but maybe that explains a lot. They have their likes I have mine, we just got to maintain a peaceful coexistence. what do you say guys?
