Wednesday, July 15, 2015

no stab Friday

This is big news. I’m not getting out of the hospital early or later, in fact nothing at all in my status has changed. But I learned something, something that should’ve been obvious at the start. They can’t do chemo till I heal. So not till I’m healthy enough to be released can they crank up that cell and maybe cancer killing medicine. Almost a catch-22 in yeas and boos but catch-22 is more beautiful than that, more insidious. Anyway, this means I’ll have a chance to recover from the chemo, some, as well as my side-holing procedure. I guess I’ll be riding the bicycle in the rehabilitation center. 
But then there's the main thing: will my appetite return? I will continue to have no new chemo in me, but what about that cavity in my side? Or what if it just doesn’t return in full? This feels like the most important thing in my life.

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