Tuesday, July 21, 2015


The start of those Cup o Noodles ads back in the early nineties. Hungry? Cave man chasing a mammoth. As I remember it chases them back, or maybe that’s just my keen comedy instincts providing what should happen. Maybe I’ll find the ad on Youtube someday when I don’t have to worry about the data. Anyway the cave men give chase, possibly chased back and slam. The glory shot of the noodles in their cup. The voice over goes something like Nissin Cup of Noodles. It’s the type of short simple ad Japan used to do so well at. Sigh…
Now that question applies to me. Hungry? Well, yes, I could sure eat some bread, miso, and milk. Except the real statement has invariably become, I could sure start eating like a normal person and then have my stomach tell me it’s already full. I don’t want to fuck up this stomach, the keeper of my appetite, which I think is starting to come back again, was starting till I got hungry sick. Still, getting sick because you ate too fast or ignored the warnings has always been a James Luke Stilwell thing. Always. 

Listen to your schizo stomach, try to decipher it’s cryptic instructions, and then get ready for lunch.
Gearing up for lunch now.


  1. Ahh, the ancient art of stomach gurgle translation. I hear it is akin to attempting to translate Sanskrit into Yiddish whilst wearing the ceremonial swim goggles, except maybe a bit more worthwhile in your case. Best of luck, you will need it.. and from what I hear, you will also need a duck, chap-stick (for the duck, of course) and a rubber mallet. But I am sure you have already read that chapter in Leonard Beezers ground breaking book 'Say What?!? A 21st Century Guide to Stomach Translation and Duck Wrangling'.

  2. I love it, I love that book. I hope you don't mind me stealing that book and putting it in the library of one of my characters in the Dark Backwards. The books occasionally mouth off and I see "Say What?!?" as a particularly voluble character.

  3. Ha! That is almost too much awesome in one sentence!

  4. would you happen to mean the last sentence of my comment? by saying that I am also saying I hope you do, so I hope you do. thanks for the praise for any of my sentence. Coming from someone who writes some pretty awesome sentences herself the compliment really means something.

  5. Revision, after I took a crash course in counting (Leonard Beezer also has a spectacular book about counting, 'How to Feel Number One About Number two' it is revolutionary) It was so much awesomeness that it spanned three entire sentences, which is amazing. I write, but generally I only get awesomeness into 1.5 sentences max.

  6. Sometimes I'm happy with just a two word phrase of awesomeness.
