Megane means glasses, but megane just sounds better. No, not just. Anyone who knows manga or anime knows the Meganeko (glasses kid, not mega-neko) is one of those characters who turn up everywhere. And now I have my Megane Nurse, a nickname for her, so I can talk properly about her. What follows might be a bit of a stretch and an attempt and justify the name in character not just the glasses. There is a shy retiring look about her, like no one would no one would pick her out in a room of people. She has an angular face and canted cheek bones, skinny, like she could be a pushover. Okay okay that’s too much, sorry Megane Nurse for this unwanted reading of your character that’s probably all wrong.
Anyway, I don’t get to see Megane Nurse often but she’s always kind with an easy going sense of humor (shy, right?). This morning she came in and saw me writing.
“Shigoto?” Job?
“Shosetsu.” Novel. Because I’m telling everyone. I told her it was my dream. Yume. Told her some of the details about it, at least the part about it being in the hospital.
She joked I would have to get my wife to translate it so everyone could read it. She was so sweet, a lot of people you tell them you’re writing a novel or doing anything, and they might say of that’s interesting and leave the room, but she got involved in the conversation. She made the conversation.
And then when it turned to chemo and cancer, I think it had to do with my fatigue, not sure how it started. But there she was talking about how everyone here in this room was suffering under chemo. I actually didn’t know that about the people in the room but it makes sense. It’s one of those things that lets you know you’re not alone, so I added some become muka-muka all the time (nauseas), some lose their hair, I get shindoi (fatigue). We all suffer and often in different ways.
Megane Nurse, you’re Megane Nurse because you’re awesome.
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