Wednesday, July 8, 2015

and so

No chemo today. Clumsy sensei not only saw how weak I was, but the blood test told her I had a fever yesterday, a big one. Kando suru. Means I’m impressed. They actually don’t allow you chemo if you’re running a fever of 38C or more. I was just too beat up, I knew I was too beat up, I had never felt this weak on a chemo day or pretty much anyway since this whole thing started. I went from my feisty pills, steroids, giving me the strength to walk real distances outside to one of those mother of all crashes things (I can’t believe I can’t think of a better expression than Saddam Hussein, now that is depressing). 
So for the first time, I get a break. Something I’ve been waiting for. Killing your cells, what Yoshida-sensei called it. I mean, who wants to go in every two weeks for unrelenting boxing style body blows? A week’s break of the pummeling will be nice. Everybody deserves a break from cellular pummeling.

1 comment:

  1. Indeed, a break from cellular pummeling is a must! And here I was thinking I would like a break from taco Tuesdays. There are bigger pictures to contend with, and I do not mean Falafel Fridays!!
