Sunday, July 26, 2015

I didn't listen to the Gurgle Community

It’s not so bad, but I did push forward with breakfast a little too much, a little too fast. Like I thought I was invincible me yesterday, ploughing through all that sweet and sour pork with almost no effect. Maybe this is the effect. But I was hungry all night, dreaming of food--but not so strong with the hunger in the morning. See? The bruises to your stomach appeared, and it got all swollen up. Now you have no room in the inn. Yes, that's the scientific explanation for it, I'm sure.
But not the dreaming about food every moment kind of hungry. It’s funny, I pushed it but at the same time held back, knowing I had to parcel out the thigh for lunch and dinner. 
Hm, yes, the Gurgle Community is still punishing me for my transgression of eating too much bread. That's what it was. I mean I almost ate the whole damn roll. I'm still hungry... no, no that's not quite right. I feel hunger... and it's wrapped around a medium sized ball of stuck gas, of not belching. Not like before, but I gots to be careful with my lunch ingestion that's coming up in two measly hours. Gots to hold back, when they tell me to stop I stop despite what the wrap around hunger says, then drink yogurt drinks if I get hungry the rest of the day. Dororich.

So this has been a thrilling installment.


  1. Dororich... I searched for the meaning to this word, wondering if it was a cuss word, or maybe a reference to your in-house-gurglers, but is it a coffee type drink? One post about dororich said it was a drink comprised of jelly and snot. I thought that was a bit ridiculous, I mean really, what kind of crazy person would put jelly in their drink? I enjoyed your thrilling installment. I am waiting for the exciting continuation.. With our hero dangling precariously over the impending chicken thigh and yogurt, will he be able to overcome the gas ball of doom and the murmurs of the maniacal gurgle gallery in time for dinner? Stay tuned to find out! Insert your favorite triumphant hero music here!

  2. I'm impressed you searched. and yeah, that's the right answer. It was a gratuitous use of the name Dororich and I stand by it. And I have some through the Gurgle Community trials for lunch and breakfast today, but with my wife bringing her mother's delicious sweet and sour pork, what kind of hurdle will dinner present? Will I listen to their persistent gurgling nag in time or will I push through and ruin everything?
    Raiders o the Lost Arc might go best for this, with all the chasing and dangers behind it. So I'm going with that.
