Saturday, July 18, 2015

Is anybody out there?

Is pretty much how I felt last night (not now) after getting cut from my internet connection until my wife comes back with the wifi, hopefully with enough megs, gigs whatever amount of data reserve to last the month. See, I am an idiot. I knew from before you don’t download things, they burn up that data reserve fast. I downloaded 25 pictures of French villages and the countryside and now I am in a real data pinch… which is the reason my wife left with the wifi. She’s going to try to get some more out of the coffers of Docomo (one of the biggest service providers in Japan, but not like Verizon it seems: there are other choices) and if she can’t I don’t know what I will do. Without my email my blog my NaNo cabin even Facebook I will be isolated almost completely except for the rare hours my wife comes, staring at the blank wall of my room and the curtains instead of through a mighty window. I was depressed enough last night, I couldn’t even write, I didn’t even want to look at the computer.
And now…

It’s going to feel different. With internet connection I felt every word written here was going up soon, was going to be read. There was an immediate sense I was writing for people and not myself, or not just myself, which was great. I never felt that way before as Mr. Isolated behind the wall writing my private fantasies for the brain. 

Update: wifi back. We actually have seven gigs to play around with, so now we still have three to play around with and when that's gone she can call up Docomo for two more. And if that goes she can repeat the process. Jesus, hopefully I won't be here that long.        


  1. I had a feeling you were having a wifi issue. Welcome back!

  2. Yay wifi! I never think about how much I am connected to it... until it goes out, that is. Then the panic of attempted reconnection is always fun! Last time, it was almost all day, an attack on our wifi's servers or some such? The time before, Mr. Hoppy, a cute little black squirrel who just moved into the neighborhood, had chewed through some tasty wires. Going without wifi, similar to the 5 stages of greif, except minus the final stage of acceptance, impossible when missing wifi is involved!

  3. Acceptance is impossible when the the wifi is gone
