Thursday, July 30, 2015


Tomorrow they release me. A hungry me, a me that can stand on my own two feet for longer than two seconds, a me without manatees for feet, a me that can walk ten meters without huffing, a me with a far better better novel under the keys, with the Day Room scenery more deeply ingrained in my mind. I have a lot of things to thank the hospital for, and all the nurses and doctors who worked on me. And of course my Paramount bed (angel choir accompanied by a Moog synthesizer this time). Thank you hospital, thank you everybody. I needed to be here. To stay here. I’m better for it. But now it’s time to go home, time to be with my wife. 
Hope I’m not back by next week.


  1. I am glad you do not have to take the manatee feet home, the manatee-foot rental rates are always just exorbitant anyway. On a related note... YAY!!!!

  2. Costs a lot for food too. Wait that's an image that i'd rather not contemplate, the top of my then swollen feet bursting open in a mouth to chow down. Or maybe I do.
