The manatees, as my wife likes to call them. It’s what my feet once looked like they had inside them they were swollen out so large. There wasn’t that foot curve starting from the big toe joint, there was just bloat. They were smooth too, glassy, you couldn’t see veins or anything within. My wife liked to put her fingers on them long enough to make dents. The whole thing was fucking creepy, scary, and I’m using the past tense. I put the flap of my computer screen down and see that curve, I see veins, I see the redness around my toes but even that is going away (the topper was this redness around the toes and they were pretty sore too, like the mass of my feet was finally getting to them).
Thank God for hospital beds. Just a couple days and a lot of hours of instant elevation has done that. I had wished I was in the hospital just for that. Well, that has happened. Yea.
Got to keep on elevating.
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