Tuesday, July 21, 2015


Just straight up complaining here. See, for my nutritious calories IV they have a machine set up around it to regulate the flow and beep like crazy if anything’s wrong. It took the pressure off, no looking at the drip to make sure it’s dripping. I can let it go and know as well there’s nothing wrong with Mr. Power Port either. It takes all the worries out of play. And that’s worth enough for that mad scramble when I have to unplug and piss, always making the usual ordeal a near thing.
Damn. See, instead of fixing it, they took the damn thing away. Now I’m going to be looking up a lot, probably obsessively at times. Probably the main reason for writing about this is so I can complain about looking up, thus relieving the pressure, for a little while, of actually having to look up. 
I just did. Guess I spared everybody the threat of my 10,000 word epic about not looking up.


  1. 10,000 word epic you say... well, if you ever need to vent again, I do enjoy some good dactylic hexameter, but then again who doesn't! Weird that they snatched it away, could you request it back??

  2. man, I had to look that up to discover it was the meter homer used, I am slipping
