Woke with a terrible fever, 38.4. Shaking, my hands shaking, sitting huddled up, shaking. Finally took my temperature and realized it was a 38.4 don’t fuck around with this fever and woke my wife for a cold pillow and medicine. Then I buried my head on while the minutes dripped like icicles. I know it should be from, but somehow I like that phrase that popped into me head (it’s not like the fever’s all gone or anything) like something impossible, or the drops are all frozen and don’t fall. I mean I don’t know how many times I angled a look at the clock to find it 8:38 again, like there was only one time in the world and that’s 8:38.
Now it’s 9:55. Last check was 37.4. Better better better… and what did it was the writing cabin I just joined and reading a couple kind responses to my initial post. Suddenly I was able to sit up and move around in my chair and start to write again. Man, it be good to be in a community, many communities.
" like there was only one time in the world and that’s 8:38." I like this line a lot. I had a time I too was feverish, around 102 degs when I was about 10 years old. Are "cold pillows" a real thing in Japan, like they have gel inside and you keep them in a freezer or something? Unless you mean a pillow thats in the corner of your room that hasnt been used. I like the gel pillow idea more though, I bet you could really get a good night sleep with a decently cool pillow. When I had that fever though I saw faces coming out of the ceiling. LIke my dads face would blend into my mothers, other faces I didnt know and then like weird noodley stalactites or really long white nipples that dropped out of the ceiling. I dont know what 38.4 translates to in Fahrenheit.
ReplyDeleteYour first guess about cold pillows are spot on. Got the gel in them and they keep them in the freezer. They're great, using two of them right now. 38.4 translates to 101.1 I think. Point one or point two. I googled it of course. And fever dreams are great, I actually had a similar experience with faces blending when I was in the hospital, ending with my mother's head piked on an IV stand. Then I got one of my main characters for the Dark Backwards. Good times, good times.
ReplyDeleteFeverish dreams and refrigerated pillows... I have never had the pleasure of cool pillows, but it sounds brilliant! Feverish dreams, however... I had the displeasure of having a high temp while the animated show Dumbo was playing in the background. A terrible, horrible, combination. A good time did not ensue!