Monday, July 13, 2015


I am going to get my insides cleaned. A little nervous—a little?—going to stick tubes in the hole in the side of my stomach (I really have to many openings I think) run water in it, clean the whole thing out. Worried because the side is already sore, and the hole hurts when I move around, get up and stuff. On the other hand it could be nice eventually, though I imagine all this bubbly stuff will going on in my abdomen and maybe stomach, probably feel weird might feel good. Coming soon…
It was done in bed. I didn’t have to be toted or wheeled anywhere, which made it nice, easy, but that also meant no escaping this room probably the rest of the day. I mean the bag change is going to be done with my wife here, when that’s over who knows how much time we’ll have. It’s Tuesday.
Also it did hurt, like a stab, but that was one part of the hole, the sore part of the hole that hurts every time I get up, and the one that is outside the plastic tube or something that looks like a straw folded in half held together by a safety pin. Once they got it in through that part, it was alright, uncomfortable at first, but they were able to squeeze the water in from a bag like those IV bags and the vile reddish brown matter came pouring out. And that was that. 

And that soreness of that hole doesn’t mean anything unusual like some horrible infection festering there. It’s all goooooood.

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