Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Not yours nurse

I mean it’s supposed to be Yours, right? This is a supermarket we have in Mihara, close, within walking distance, when I could actually walk a distance. It’s a place I often went to on Friday when the pan was cheaper. Now pan is bread, but what we’re talking about is more like sweet pastry stuff in their neat, sanitized plastic wrappers. Use them as writing fuel for the night, stuff them in my face on the train for breakfast when I had to go to my other job, either on Saturday or Sunday, and more fuel for later that evening. Um, that would be Saturday evening, though maybe both days if the bread getting was good. Man, did I eat a lot in those days. Want to return to that appetite so much, maybe not all the things I ate or the gorging way, but food! I don’t want it to be all tooth picking and raising and lowering the bed—Paramount bed! with a choir of angels going off in the background—cautiously guarding my stomach and listening ever to the Gurgle Community within for what to do. 
Anyway this is about Yours, and it is Yours isn’t it? They might only have the katakana yuu-a-zu over the store. Guess it doesn’t matter. That is how everybody pronounces it, even me, can’t think of another way. The point of this actually is to say I found another nickname.
Okay okay.
There is a sweet nurse, maybe an angel, but I never had a name for her. Then, this time, maybe it was a Sunday, she said she had lived in Mihara and worked in Yuuas, about 5 years ago. That alone is kind of amazing. She probably rang up my bread at some point in time. Or her shift was always different, meaning morning, and we never met. Though as a college student, hard core morning shift work seems unlikely. But neither of us, nor my wife can remember if we saw each other before. Still, kind of amazing. 

Yuuaz Nurse.

And as always, any references or people you don't get in these posts please ask and I will find the posts about them.


  1. This is Mark G btw.
    What about Yuu-aru-ze or Yuu-aru-su or Yuu-a-su? I dont know just a thought.
    Well I like to picture everything you talked about in this post. The con-bi-ni? is it like that? Anyway the convenience store. The nurse in her college days, you stuffing a soft pastry into your mouth. Reminds me of my 4 O-clock lunch time, walking down a hall with wooden floor, behind the rest of the office, walls are covered in dirt and grime. Theres this bulky evil vending machine. Its evil because everything in it is bad for you but they have these cheese danishes and I know theres no actual cream cheese and its just all chemicals but when your depressed it really hits the spot Luke. It also gives me items for free sometimes which makes me wonder what devil magic is being used here. It makes me go back for more. Maybe Ill get a free-be this time he thought as he searched for the pop-tarts.

  2. I like your comment, nice details on your own life. And yeah, it's like the pastry stuff you get there, but on Friday at Yuuaz, it's cheaper. I do think the mass pastry stuff are better in Japan than America, a little more sophisticated too. But mainly i'm talking America of 12 years ago and a little of the GMO'd country I found last November
