And I couldn’t be more sad about it. She was surprisingly friendly at first, her daijoubu, meaning are you alright, like she’s expecting you to be dying of cancer. Um… I mean right now. Of course it was the first thing she said as she drew back the curtain, as I knew it would.
Curtain draw: Enter Bully Mom Nurse.
Me on the bed: taking a break for a spell of silent laughter.
Exit Bully Mom Nurse.
If only it were that simple. But she was relaxed this time and the conversation ended more painlessly than I ever expected.
Okay I’m going to stop here and tell you what I’ma gonna do. Nobody reading this blog knows who the hell the Bully Mom Nurse is because you don’t have access to the posts. Before I was admitted into the hospital my mother was curious about the nurses, were they kind mean or indifferent. So I’m going to uses that request as a pretext to make the Bully Mom posts available below.
She is the worst nurse as far as I’m concerned. There are many good nurses, exceptional nurses, a war of the Kind Ones versus the Frontliners and the kind outnumber the Frontliners by a large margin. Someday I’ll do them justice. Today it’s just about BMN. She makes it that way (you can even hear her clearing the halls of other nurses, so you get her and nothing but her as long as her shift may reign).
Some of these nurses march in with the frontline of their personalies out before them. They aren’t bad people or even annoying, just you have to give them room. For all the artillery shelling of their personality.
So it happened to me again. My bag organed out but caught it before it started spilling through. Still had a hell of a time releasing it cup after cup, the rest spilling on the floor. Mainly on the floor but some also got my pants. I know have a new pouch with a bag that connects directly with a larger bag set at the foot of the IV stand. It doesn’t move much except when I stand and then how it flows.
Of course when it happened I got frontliner3, who gets more upset about my high temps than this. Now you come in here and say it’s nothing. Bitch, I got my guts spilling on the floor. She finally got concerned though that didn’t stop her laughing at me when I put my slippers up on the bed board. And then she started showing concern when yes, a temperature was involved.
The word sounds like club in fronlliner3’s voice she wants to use it to break a problem out of me and then she can push in some medicine. Like, maybe there’s some real concern in it too, but after the way she continues to boss me around I don’t want to credit any of it.
Describing the bully mom nurse is no fun anymore, but she is just that. A bully. And not so much with me as to the old men who cant fight back. Nomooya! Telling them to drink their meds (you don’t take em in Japan, you drink your medicine while in Korea you eat it). Not sure if it’s Osaka ben but it is not respectful, speaking like that to your elders, your patients. And then the laughing at these poor old geezers, sounds like it, especially when the old mean are having trouble doing something. Muzzle her, put a restraining order on her, some people should not be let near a ward full of vulnerable patients.
The bully mom nurse is back. Poor kid opposite, and I kid you not these are the first words out of her mouth every time she pulls the curtain. Daijoubuuu? That cloying note of concern, oh you look so bad, your condition is worsening, it must be worsening by the looks of things. I’m just worried about you, is what she said to me (datte, shinpai yo, she might have said, probably wouldn’t have ended it with damon) This is what that daijoubuu says and note the buuu sound at the end because it’s the way she elongates her worry just to let everyone know you are not alright? Is this what we want in a hospital?
The sicker you are the more bully mom she can be and I don’t think anything can make her happier. Re: infant enthroned. Enjoy your wheel chair rides all you want your power means nothing when she’s holding the bars behind you.
Oh yeah, she also laughs at your opinion. Like when the otaku told her about the mosquitos in the room and she didn’t believe him. I saw them too. Reasonably he asked for one of those mosquito killing devices whose name I can’t remember now, but I remember seeing one at the Mitsubishi Hospital in my room, so what was the big deal about them?
She just thought it was ridiculous.
Sometimes you do get to wondering why people became nurses in the first place, or what has gone wrong in their lives to make them ugly from the inside out. The stories I hear from a friend who is a nurse in a nursing home, of carelessness, indifference, and occasionally incompetence, on the part of some nurses. Nurses who took on caring for others as their livelyhood, and how can they be seemingly so uncaring? It is upsetting, until you realize there are good ones too, like my friend, who thankfully make up for the areas the others are lacking in, and then some!