Thursday, July 16, 2015

Stab Friday is back

It was around this time they told me I was going to have to be stabbed again. Ah man, no chemo meant no stabbing. They were done with the medicine, right? Right, the wasting away. Guess they’re going to pump nutrition into me. What a crazy hospital. And this was in my five minute interval so my first reaction was anger. At least for five minutes I wasn’t scared. Then the five minutes are over, crocodile sweetness and I return to the fear. For about another five minutes before the nurse arrives with this guy from Hiroshima University Hospital. I told him to please be gentle, yasashi shite kudasai. He told me I sounded like an otome. I said I felt like one. He said it would be a little sting, chiku, and I didn’t believe him. And I was right, I almost didn’t feel it. What’s wrong with this hospital anyway?
No stab Friday after all.


  1. Did otome mean he was essentially calling you a little girl?? Forgive me for laughing at that... but I am laughing a lot... Also, stab-friday doesn't sound quite as good as falafel-friday... maybe you should come to my house on fridays from now on.

  2. Glad you're laughing. It was a funny moment at my expense and I'll give anything for one like it this Friday with the same guy and the same result. I don't like being stabbed. I'd much rather go to your house for falafel-friday.
