Wednesday, August 26, 2015


When a typhoon passes, it really goes. I guess typhoon number 15 has left Japan and with it every trace of cloudy and windy weather. It’s sunny and getting hot now. Like the buffeting winds and bullet rains never happened. This is actually business as usual for typhoons here, leaving sunny calm days in their wake. I mean not all the time, but quite a bit. Sometimes we even get typhoon nights and blue sky days. 
Nothing but blue skies…

Kind of feeling down right now to be honest. Not a big thing, I don’t think, just going through a couple days without my wife and without the world. Well, the world is two things for me now: Skype, so I got half, and going out with my wife. Still that you know, physically leaving this room and parking my ass in the air-conditioning of her car then watching the streets of Mihara go by. When you don’t have it things get claustrophobic. Also my writing has degraded into mere note taking these days, the Dark Backwards going truly dark. Or at least hazy. Or maybe it's all the cheap segues (see the top of the paragraph, seriously man, what is wrong with me?)
Gots to keep plugging away, going to take awhile, I know that. It’s all about patience, every day ain’t going to be perfect nor every word. This is just a bit of down time. If I gave into it, let my writing go and just watched TV all day (still manage to watch too much of it) then this would become a real problem. For now, I hope I can see more of my wife today. Well, shower time. Changing the bag. We can talk then, a little more “us” time. Yay, something to look forward to.

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