Wednesday, August 19, 2015

A little confirmation

Didn't post this yesterday. So here it is now...

Last night it was, you know, dark, after the rain and not so humid, even a bit cool. And me? I made it around the block easy, a little stroll with my trusty cane, my wife by my side, talking Dark Backwards. It was nice, not horribly taxing with the huffing and puffing and the wanting to vomit. The toughest bit was standing for five minutes while my wife talked with an old acquaintance, kind of a neighbor in some respects. Anyway it was a nice confirmation that yes, the humidity was to blame, sapping out of me the distance I could walk. Give me the cool and/or the dry and I can almost walk like a normal human being. Hell, I even forgot the cane going into Yamada (a chain electronics store with restrooms on the first floor) for some washletting. Recovery going a pace a pace, looking back on old June blogs and how miserable I was, how dizzy I was just standing up, how tired, how I once had to stay on the bed for nearly twelve hours because I couldn’t raise myself from it or how I collapsed that one night on the bathroom floor. It was like my body and mind were two separate things and my body was so much bigger and unwieldy. I needed those enormous crane things of other people and other things to manage that hulking height and weight. But I am my own body again. 
So there’s that.
Just got to be more careful on my eating I think. It’s hard because it is still me wanting to please my wife, wanting to make her happy to see me eat and in the end my appetite keeps coming out unscathed, I stay hungry, I continue to eat. But I spend so much time after meals with a full groaning stomach. That’s not good, there’s too much of that. I mean I keep away from the vomitous feeling, I know when to stop before things get too gut-busting extreme, but I always push it. In part I have to push it as after two bites and my stomach nearly always clamps down even though I know I'm still hungry. But there are certain blocks, walls the ol Gurgle Community has put in that I push through and know I shouldn’t. Finish that piece, oh just another helping, hey, betsubara (our second stomach for desert, always had a good betsubara here).
Today I’m going to Costco. Tonight we’re bringing Costco home to my wife’s friend for dinner. Chance to be careful? I’ll show them how careful I can be, how you make a good impression in Japan right? Right?
Anyway, more pizza. Different pizza this time. The one with sausage and stuff. And then maybe seafood pizza coming home. Yeah, going to be real careful here.

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