It was disastrous. It started this morning when I was talking to my brother on Skype: the bag’s seal on the side wouldn’t close no matter how many times I smoothed it down. It became this standing gap where I could see the shit inside. I plugged it up with tissue paper but the gap got larger, more tissue paper, then I saw the surge of shit and the tissues, more and more of them, became a dam. But how do you dam something when the rest of the world is ripping apart? The bag’s seal was giving away from top to bottom, finally I had to tear the damn thing from my belly and deposit it in one of our pink smell-proof bags (they really work too). This part actually went down smoothly, the shit was contained by the tissues and I deposited the bag without a typical clumsy drop. The shit smeared around my stoma, all over my belly, was another story, but in the end all that really happened was my t-shirt fell back on it for a second, and some brown flecks got on my trunks that I use as pajamas. The rest was clean up and waiting for my wife to come back so we could apply a new bag and start this comedy of bags and seals all over again. Well, there was trouble with the last time as well, accompanied by the pervasive stink of diarrhea which makes me think some of that liquid stuff insinuated itself under the concave shell which is the bag’s central sticking point. This time I don’t know, a continuation from last time? The bag was supposed to be the top of the line too, from Sweden where they make the best colostomy bags, and water proof (never got to see its water proofness in action as yesterday I didn’t shower, oops). It was kind of depressing and I’m worried about what’s going to happen to this bag I got on now, but these are the kind of troubles that paying for so much more. I guess it’s a good reminder, like hey I am troubled by stoma, give me all the benefits and discounts you can?
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