Saturday, August 1, 2015

Holding pattern

My stomach’s been semi stuck since Saizeria. Nothing terribly bad, there was—is—the need to belch going on 12 hours now and I’ve felt pretty much full the whole time as well. I guess oops, but man, pasta. I was so happy eating it. Now to spend time hoping I didn’t fuck up my precious burgeoning appetite. Did have some fried rice tonight and something called haposai, and not hopes as the spell check tried to inform me. It’s a kind of a pork dish with clear noodles, peppery, savory, so fucking good to borrow the KFC slogan over here. Anyway, had some of that, plus maybe a couple bites of potato salad with karashi mustard (a Japanese hot mustard) in it. Oh yeah and ice cream, a bit, embedded in an orange slushy thing. Nothing too much. Right? Hope the Gurgle Community’s not going to punish me too much. I don’t feel sick though, that’s the key.
Great, spend the rest of the blog complaining about organ problems. Well, isn’t that what this blog is about? Your life about?
Oh yeah.

Guess I’m just worried the blog will get to gut centric now that I don’t have a building full of captive nurses, patients, doctors etc to write about. You can write about your wife, out there taking down the clothes, walking the dog, feeding the cats while you sit here sunning your guts. Yeah, I can do that.


  1. You have a dog? And cats?? I was so animal excited that I misread the continuation of the sentence as "sunning your goats" instead of sunning your guts! Do not worry about your blog, in whatever form it morphs into, it will be equally as awesome as it has been. Tis the way of the blogosphere grasshopper. Oh... and were you serious or joking about the KFC slogan?? I am hoping for serious... really really... really.

  2. I wish I was. Sorry. You could say it was so fucking good, but unfortunately minus the "fucking" part. Here's to dreaming of a better world.
