Wednesday, August 5, 2015

My wife's massage

Is quite intense. It’s kind of a manatee prevention massage, she smoothes down my feet bringing her hands down my ankles, I can almost feel my extra mass sliding down with them. So there’s a lot of pressure involved, sometimes I want to tell her to stop it. Afterwards I feel great, for a long period of time. I don’t know if it helps with the manatees, that’s a wait and see, and besides there are many factors involved, but I do know my ankles feel much better. They kind of throb with pain at the end of the day, twitchy. Now I’m sure if I did the past few days of load of walking they’d be all throbbing and aching again. But this morning they didn’t start off that way. Yea, my wife.
Now she’s at her kiddy conversation school for the first time since I got out. Naturally, depressed. Feel like I might as well be in the hospital that sort of thing. But what’s really amazing is today she left for work around 2:00. This is the usual time for Wednesday which you might remember if you read any of the chemo letters from before and how she leaves around 3:45, really pushing it. What amazes me is she never missed a Wednesday when I was in the hospital. All that time out of her day before she begins her longest day, no wonder she’s still sleepy, the poor girl. She should be the one lounging in the room, taking periodic 90 minutes bites of sleep. But I need to recover! Said in a wheedling whining voice. So does she.



  1. TOKYO —

    The Fire and Disaster Management Agency said Tuesday that 11,672 people were taken to hospitals nationwide to be treated for heatstroke in the week from July 27 to Aug 2, the first time ever that the number of heatstroke patents has surpassed 10,000 in one week.

    Tokyo had the highest number of heatstroke victims at 1,095, followed by Aichi with 989, Fuji TV reported. Three deaths in Aichi were attributed to heatstroke, bringing the total number of deaths from heatstroke to 25 nationwide so far this summer.

    The Japan Meteorological Agency said the scorching weather is expected to continue through the weekend.

    Health ministry officials are urging people, especially the elderly, to drink plenty of water and use the air conditioner.

    Last year, more than 50,000 people were taken to hospital to be treated for heat exhaustion between May and September, according to the Fire and Disaster Management Agency.

    Japan Today

  2. Wow is right, I didn't realize i was so bad. A lot of that time I was in the hospital and didn't come close to feeling the heat at all.
