At the moment. Was hungry for breakfast. Went downstairs (and up!) for potato salad. Then I had potato salad and yogurt for breakfast. Now I am full? My stomach’s got that heaviness thing as it always does after a meal, oh my God can I belch properly, did I restick my stomach? Giving you a preview of the thoughts that will be making the rounds in my head over the coming hours.
Cut to a couple hours later and I’m feeling hungry, stomach unstuck, doing the polite burp thing, not the full on belching I can get away with in a yon-nin-beya, four man room, of farters and belchers (by this way, this time the spell check turned farters to farmers, I not going to have to punch learn spelling for farters am I?), but would hardly go over in polite company.
Okay, organ problems settled for the moment, and I’m not going to talk about dumping my colostomy bag now (or do I really need to again?), so…
Funny about spell check turning them into farmers! There is a dating website making the rounds around here, I am pretty sure your spell check is in on it... but then again, who wouldn't want to be! I get a kick out of the idea of the site... a whole lot. Also, yay guts! Is it a dating site for farmers? People looking for farmers. And yay, guts.