Sunday, August 9, 2015

A day without my wife

Sort of. Today is my wife’s most dreaded day. As in  really, it’s the day she probably dreads the most out of the whole working week. For one, she has to go back into work to face the little monsters, the ol Sazae-san blues of Sunday evening (Sazae-san’s an animated show that airs at 6:30 Sunday and has been on for longer than I have been alive or close to it: when it’s over all Japan knows it’s time to go back to work soon), and she has to face her worst monsters of the week. I will be sitting in my chair and lying in my bed, I mean, recovering from the multi-faceted turmoil of my guts and recharging myself in my unending struggle against cancer. I guess both are correct? And my manatees, specifically I will be targeting them, trying to stay off my feet as much as I can, no heavy walking, keeping them boys elevated. It’s disturbing to see them, my feet, swell up every night it really is. I will also be watching Dr. Who and eating pizza.
On the blessed topic of pizza, leftover microwaveable Costco pizza, and for the purpose of record keeping, it’s nice to note the continued growth my appetite. I didn’t even have to go through a series of restorative belches to keep me going as I went through a new batch of the mother’s sweet and sour pork and then topped it off with a bit of blueberry tart (Costco, again). Today for breakfast, potato salad and yogurt and then a chocolate chip infused granola bar clearing 300 calories for breakfast easy when I used to struggle around the 200 range. 
Great, kid. Don’t get cocky.
I know. I’m still cautious when I eat, still pull back and toothpick my teeth, try to fully chew every bite, that sort of thing. And when my stomach tells me too, I usually walk away. Or you know, not eat that last hunk on the plate that would just put me in barfing territory (man, I was looking for any excuse to use the word barf). Probably finish all my pizza today, two slices worth, no matter what my stomach tells me. If the slices aren’t the enormous ones, I should be okay.

The thrills of record keeping. Record keeping! 

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