Sunday, August 9, 2015

A lazy Sunday afternoon

We were watching the Carp pound the Giants in the late innings (1 run, 2 runs, 3 runs motherfucker) of an afternoon game, or I was watching and she was keeping track as she read her manga off her smartphone. I kept my feet elevated on the bed by her legs, under her arms that kind of thing. Sometimes I’d ask what manga she was reading and if she could explain the plot some, mostly I was quiet and let her read. Once she did a mini massage, smoothing down the manatees. When the Carp scored my wife would cheer, when it came off the bat of a slumping Maru she clapped and everything, delighted in the tiny smile he allowed himself. Ureshii sou, she said. He looks happy, or more like, look at him, he can tell he’s happy. Then she looked up cute and funny animal pictures on her smartphone and showed them to me. I was awwwing and laughing along right with her, something I’d usually never do. Although come on, a polar bear cub who hasn’t learned to crawl yet paddling his way on the zoo grass? D’awwww.
Going to be depressed tomorrow when she goes back to work, but it’s only for two days. Then after that… well, talking about the future of this week does start up the worries, can’t help it, related to hospital Friday and the unknowable result. So I don’t want to dwell on it now, I think I’ll save that wonderful dwelling for another post, get it all out in words, but for now, we have Wednesday and Thursday to do whatever and we’ll still be together Friday. Hell, what more can I ask for out of a week (or the weekdays)? 

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