My wife is back at work today, her long summer vacation over. For her this day is worse than for me, I know. But I'm awone, poor widdle me (not middle me, damn it spell check). Anyway, I think I mentioned before about the horrors of her Monday class. Got to be a tough way to head back. Also she's going back in with her face still affected by her breakout. Her face is almost completely clear now, her skin mainly fine, but her neck still has a ring of red around it like she had been strung up for a hanging there. Creepy image but this is what we both agreed that it looks like. Also, strangely enough, it has a consistency that looks like strawberry frosting, maybe on angel food cake. This is also something we agreed upon. Hope she was able to cover enough of it with make up (she can wear that now, apply it, whatever, with the dermatologist's permission) so she can get away with it tonight. We'll see.
You know, in the old days I would be glad when she went back to work because then I could get some serious writing done. Shunning even my wife then, ugh. I don’t want to be that miserable creature in many respects, but that craving alone-time so I could write is the one thing the bastard was good at. The craving for the alone time... not always the writing in it. Still, this is what I have to do now. I have been letting my mind and my fingers idle, my once busy tapping out narrative fingers. My narrative fingers. Time to charge them back up again. And I have, already, putting almost eighteen hundred words under my belt and it's only sevenish.
Today I also have to put my legs to it as well, planning at nine to exercise them on my wee stationary bike. I wonder also… is it cool enough to go downstairs and then out tonight? Maybe with my wife, walking the dog. It doesn’t seem hellacious when I open the bedroom door, otherwise my only experience with the outside temp is when the aircon goes on downtime and the room starts to warm a little, edge towards a bit of humidity even. Ye gods, the horror. It would be nice-- will be when I get to it--to walk the dog again with my wife, a small chunk out of the day doing stuff together, yay. Don’t know my level of exhaustion, fullness.
Are you thinking about doing it today? Really? Well, the weatherman inside me told me it might be alright…
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