Tuesday, August 11, 2015

It was one of the things I was looking forward to

My nice comfy chair. One I can lean back in and write, swivel if I want to, travel around the room on its roller little wheels. Now the bed has supplanted it in comfiness, and I feel I can’t stay in it for too long without my back hurting. Worse, it has lost its hydraulic power or pump or whatever in the you know, pole keeping it up, stop if I'm being too technical here, so it is forced to its lowest setting. I feel like a child sitting in it, got to stack a couple thick pillows just to get some decent elevation. The weight of my ass and all that it transmitted was too much for the poor dear. Poor poor thing, but what am I going to do?
The Dark Backwards is cancelled today on account of a failing chair.


  1. Nuts. Were you in it while it failed? I picture it happening like that, with you sitting in the chair, as is suddenly begins to protest, hissing as you sink slowly...to child level. your frown deepening with each bit lower you sink. At least that is the visual I got out of it. To costco to select a new steed from their corrals?

  2. That's actually a pretty good image of how it happened. It's too bad my wife wasn't around to see it, I know she would've enjoyed the visuals. I don't know what I'm going to do with the chair. for now stacking an absurd amount of pillows to raise myself up. I've ruined a lot of chairs over the years and we have a kind of hideous graveyard of chairs in the driveway and backyard. If my wife suggests buying a new chair i'll go with it, otherwise I wait and see and stack cushions.
