Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Today stuff

Could be a typhoon, don’t hear anyone talking about it yet, the clouds aren’t moving particularly fast. I don’t think I could take a typhoon, maybe nobody will come. I’m getting spoiled, but the truth is I am also getting soft in the writing. I think my wife is right, my fingernails are too long. One of the reasons I’m having trouble hitting the keys right. These sentences aren’t flowing out of me anymore. Complain, complain, but I feel less of a person when I’m not writing.
My wife isn’t coming today, she’s too busy this day and too sleepy, I’m not objecting. But if my mom can’t come over due to the typhoon, I’m not going to be feeling good let me tell you. Again, not that I’m objecting, don’t want my mom all alone out there in a typhoon, are you kidding?

I’m grateful so much that she is here, that she has taken pressure off my wife. Well, even if she doesnt come my brother will be calling or skyping so what the hell am I complaining about?

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