Thursday, September 24, 2015

Today, not so much

I mean blood tests that took forever to get right, the news I wouldn’t be going home today, then to make everything perfect, another round of blood tests that took even longer. Whew. You know, the initial prick isn’t usually all that bad, but when they swirl that needle all around under your skin to find the vein, my feeling is closer to pain-pain-pain! And stop it. But the worst feeling is the hopelessness, like I’m never going to see that beautiful red sliding out of my body.
Fun fun fun.

I was also depressed for moments like these. I mean after my mom and wife and Francois have all gone home it’s night, the start of the night with hours of sleepless tossing and turning ahead of me. Today going to try to widdle them away a little with writing like this and my first foray in a long time into the Dark Backwards. I have an idea for a second draft to go with my brother’s comic version that’s makes me excited to live. And terrified at what I have to lose…

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