Wednesday, September 23, 2015

It was a good day

Though most of it involved me getting my head no higher up than my pillows. They’re big pillows, and lots if that helps. There was a nice dreamy haze I floated in and out of this afternoon.
Wish I could catch a ride on that dreamy haze now, though I did have some good ol knock out moments of sleep. Enough to nearly get me into 2:00.
Of course I’m talking about my outing home and coming back. “Outing home,” I like that. Since my outing home I’ve been wide awake. Always before sleepy-headed, barely went through a conversation with an eye open at max and everything was too hard to do. Ergo blog problems. I’m starting to come back now, it’s getting a little easier now.
In fact I feel down right healthy. Well, from the head up maybe. Still piss into a diaper, still can hardly use my legs, still with a persistent low grade fever. But it’s the feeling, that genki-healthy feeling.

Like I’m not going to die in another month.


  1. I have a fun little insider tidbit from a Better Call Saul writer to share. Gordon Smith, who was Vince's assistant on BrBa and BCS writer, told me he wrote an homage to Joyce's ending sequence in Ulysses. He wanted to use it as a stage direction line for Bob Odenkirk but Vince wasn't on board. Gordon is a cool guy, we chat privately on twitter :)

    I hope you continue to perk up, and you do not know for sure if you are going to die in another month!! Okay?

  2. P.S. I'll be in ABQ the last week of Oct. Gordon was nice enough to let me know BCS will still be there shooting. Now if I can get location sites out of him ;)

    1. that sounds so cool (the Ulysses homage and being in ABQ)

  3. It was a good day, I believe that is a song by Ice Cube. So now I know your secret... that you have difficulty lifting your head higher than your pillows because of the great weight of all your gold chains. I am glad there are good days for you, and cheers to more of them in your future!

    1. Now you've found me out. I didn't have to use my AK so more Cube in that day too.
