Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Haven’t written much lately, I’m sorry for that. It’s actually pretty hard: fevers, hiccups, bad typing…. Also to be honest, I don’t have the same energy I did last time I was here. Everything feels too overwhelming to do. But still, a case could be made for not trying hard enough, ergo the sorry. See if I can do better?


  1. There are meds that can be used in chronic cases of hiccups. Some are metoclopramide (Maxolon), an anti-sickness drug; Haloperidol, a sedative; Baclofen, a muscle relaxant. There are more. Maybe your docs can look into something. Don't worry about writing here if you can't, we can get updates from Mark. Just try to feel better! Still thinking of you and Masami all the time :)

  2. I concur, writing comes second, or third, or 15th.... just take care of yourself! But, in case you ever feel like writing more...I personally enjoy bad typing, I think I accidentally got a minor in it at Wayne State.
