Tuesday, September 8, 2015

It must be Christmas

It’s a second post! That I started. Without knowing what I was going to write about…
There’s a lot I can of course. My mother meeting the Yuuaz Nurse or the family meeting the BMN, seeing the things and people I write about and my readers collide. I can write about the freedom of not having the tube in my nose and the phantom tube I sometimes feel. Or what it’s like simply not eating and knowing you’re never really going to again. Yeessh. Or writing about refrigerator trouble because it looks like the card’s time has run out, or how I’m tired of this position but it’s hard to change it. Little quibbling things. 

Or maybe how much better life is when you’re not hiccuping through it. That’s a good one, but I won’t tackle this one too much in my superstition only to say, grateful for all the non-hiccup time so far.


  1. Please say hello to your mom for me! Francois called me today, I'll try to pick up that gift on Sunday. I guess he saw your dad and he gave it to him. Glad you got through surgery ok, and no hiccups for now. It will be fun having Francois there, I'm sure. Your mom must miss him.
    We are roasting with a heatwave here. It was 104 today, too damn hot. At least the humidity isn't too bad, 35% or so (I'd prefer lower.)
    Okay then, keep writing when you can. I get worried when you don't and there's no one I can call to check on things. At least Mark is back now, so I can also get updates from him.
    talk later, T.

  2. Sorry these days I've been so out of it, starting to get into it a bit more though. try to keep this thing going everyday. oh yeah, no typhoon so there's that too.
