Friday, September 11, 2015

Beard change

So my wife took this kind of shaver where you can vary your shaving thickness and took it to my beard. No mirror around but I can feel the results. Where once I had an unmanageable rat’s nest parked on my chin, now I have a beard.
Now I have a fever that’s pretty bad. Hard to get rid of these guys. I guess I should sweat it out with the covers I have and… liquid!

And it worked, still have time to go. In the meantime there was vomit and hiccups… the vomit seems to have passed now. Now there’s the sweat and fever worries should my clothes turn cold, which so far they haven’t.


  1. Damn fevers. I wonder why you keep getting them. Infection? Ick on the vomitus and hiccupicus (Latin). Hoping they release you soon!

  2. Thank you, that's what I keep hoping for
