Tuesday, September 1, 2015

A brief message

Because I am just starting to use the computer again. But right now I owe you all the news. First I had to have surgery and when that news came it wasn’t bad, believe me. Before surgery I was feeling so bad the option of doing nothing seemed nothing short of insane. I needed a way around that obstruction, I needed a way to relieve that hellish pressure on my stomach. Unfortunately I still do. That’s the bad news. The operation wasn’t a success. They are going to do another procedure this week or next, involving another tube and more drainage. I’m just taking it a step at a time, just see what happens. 
The other thing: my family is here now! I put that in exclamation points, because I can’t tell you how much they improved my mood. I was so depressed before but now it all feels more manageable. As I said to them before, this is terrible timing for us if you look at it one way, another way is that this is the best timing possible. It’s nice to have your family around you in a crisis (though I know it is not the same for all people and all families, I am lucky I know), hell, it’s necessary. They help out my wife, they augment her, and I know I am not alone. So the bleakness is gone, as if it never were. 

Now if we could do something permanent like about those damn hiccups.


  1. Yay! I am so happy they are there with you, like, so excited! Like, so excited I have somehow reverted to a disturbing valley-girl 'like' usage...

    Sorry to hear about your unsuccessful procedure though, hope it maybe illuminated what they need to do for the next one to get the job done?

  2. Sounds like perfect timing for them to be there. Say hello to all, hope your dad is holding up with the humidity and long flight. Best of luck with the next procedure. I'm sure it will work out better. Having the extra support there should take off the stress a bit.

  3. Thanks for both of your comments. I am counting on this next procedure to work too, at least it will be a simple draining of fluids instead of a complex bypass. That's got to count for something.
