Saturday, September 26, 2015

my back

Is getting like before, in other words it is starting to hurt round the clock and all the ice pads won’t help it. I can’t even seem to lie on my side all that much. The solution is getting the hell out of here. That’s all I can think of. 
Damn it I was given four weeks to live four weeks ago, come on, I need out. Sorry, I’m writing this with the pain in my back driving me crazy, I can’t seem to write about anything else or with any kind of patience and understanding.

I am weak, I do very poorly with pain.


  1. I hope they can give you some good strong pain meds :( I don't blame you for feeling that way. I think I would too.

  2. Do they provide palliative care for you in the hospital where you are at? Your comfort should be top priority...I hope you are able to find the relief you need, that type of chronic inescapable pain can drive even the strongest person mad.

    1. Mad yes, definitely. I think it has gotten a little better from that point. I don't feel as mad at least.

  3. First time blogging but I didn't know if you were reading your email. I have had pain like that--hopefully they can find you some better pain meds. I also wanted you to know that I finally realized I should put my cats on your case, so I did. Xena is walking around yelling and talking day and night, perhaps chasing away negative energy and looking for good guardians for you. Napa is sleeping with one eye open, watching out for you. Sunny and Kiwi are patrolling and protecting--don't be fooled by Kiwi's name, he is a fierce warrior. So hopefully all will go well.

  4. Thank you I'll take all the support I can get. And from your cats sounds great.
